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Programming pitfalls in Java #1

Java, a sophisticated programming language, has been dominating a number of ecosystems for quite a while. Portability, automated garbage collection, and its gentle learning curve are some of the things that make it a great choice in software development. However, like any other programming language, it is still susceptible to developer mistakes.

We will continuously bring you some solutions for the most common mistakes Java developers make and ways of avoiding them.

Common Mistake #1: Neglecting Existing Libraries

It’s definitely a mistake for Java Developers to ignore the innumerable amount of libraries written in Java. Before reinventing the wheel, try to search for available libraries.

Here are some of the best open-source Java libraries made by the community:

  1. Apache Commons: A collection of reusable Java components that provide functionality not available in the Java programming language.

  2. Google Guava: A set of core libraries developed by Google that includes collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and more.

  3. Jackson: A high-performance JSON processor for Java that can parse JSON into Java objects and vice versa.

  4. JUnit: A popular testing framework for Java that provides a simple way to write and run repeatable tests.

  5. Log4j: A logging utility that provides a flexible and configurable way to log messages from Java applications.

  6. Spring Framework: A popular framework for building enterprise Java applications that provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model.

  7. Retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java that simplifies communication with web services by turning API calls into Java interfaces.

  8. Apache Spark: A fast and general-purpose cluster computing system that is compatible with Hadoop data.

  9. RxJava: A library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java Virtual Machine.

  10. Eclipse Collections: A high-performance collections framework for Java that provides a rich set of data structures that are not part of the standard Java collections framework.

These are just a few examples of the many high-quality open-source libraries available for Java. You can find more by searching on sites like GitHub or Maven Central.


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